Friday, April 13, 2012

Prepping Priorities

If you're new to the prepper world this may come as a shock to you, but most of us expect a currency collapse of some sort here in the US. Most folks are bright enough to not try to put a date on the when, because there are simply too many variables to do that. And realistically, none of us have a bit of control over any of the macro-market events anyway. Even if were to have Ben Bernake's private line I don't know that a call from me or any other citizen would do much to change his course of action. The more I read, folks in the different economic camps, be it Keynesian or Mises, defend their arguments the same way really religious folks defend their particular sect. There's no changing any of their minds.
That leads me to my point of this whole blog, what can I do about it? At the tiniest micro-level that is my home?
A lot actually.
1.) Get out of debt as fast as you can.
2.) Spend time with the people in your life who really matter. The people who matter are the family and friends that you can call at 3 am for help. Help them. Listen to them. Learn from one another.
3.) Grow a garden - even if that's one plant in a five gallon bucket! There is no more rebellious act than growing a garden or buying at a farmer's market. You avoid layer upon layer of government bureaucracy (not to mention tax), deprive companies who manufacture poison income, and starve the lending institutions that trade on the multiple layers of debt that has become a part of Corporate Farming.
4.) Make your community better. I'm no Ghandi, but find a food bank and give your extra produce (from the garden you're now growing). Share your food storage with those who just lost a job or a loved one. That sense of joy and peace we have when we help others is why I believe we've made it this far. If you don't know the neighbors around you knocking on doors to give away some extra tomatoes while you introduce yourself isn't a bad way to start.
5.) Relax, and know that all you can do, is all you can do. The zombies aren't coming anytime soon, but any action you take matters! Start with one thing, and just keep adding to your tool box.

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