Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Everyday Carry Review - Maxpedition E.D.C. Pouch

Everyday Carry Review - Maxpedition E.D.C Pouch

One of the great things about getting back into the Air National Guard was that all my pants come with huge cargo pockets to fill with fun stuff! Now, I'm going to leave nameless the instructor at tech school in Biloxi, Mississippi who was giving the guard guys a hard time for actually using our cargo pockets, but I make no apologies for doing so.
Since I was in Tech School for the holidays, and Santa didn't leave one in my stocking, I picked up a Maxpedition E.D.C. Pocket Organizer, khaki colored, for myself. I've been carrying it as part of my everyday carry since. It still looks brand new, and the zipper is still running smoothly.

Inside the kit I'm carrying an extra key to my truck, a Tumi external battery (yes, I've heard about the recall), a paracord bracelet, two wet naps (sanitation and fire-starting), a couple of band-aid type bandages, a Gerber EDC, a Leatherman Skeletool, a lighter, super glue, a mini-mag light, and one each of pen, highlighter, pencil, and sharpie for class. Most mornings I'll stash a Cliff Bar in there if I didn't take time for breakfast. The energy bar really fills up the pouch, without there's plenty of room.

The only real downside to the pouch is the actual size of it. In military ABU's the pouch fits great. I can get it to fit in a couple of my other cargo pockets, but not all. This isn't a deal breaker for me as I just move it from my cargo pockets to my everyday carry backpack. I would go with black if I had it to do over again. The khaki just doesn't fit in with any of my other gear. I think I was just feeling nostalgic for the old DCU pattern...

As always I'd like to know what you're carrying that I'm not, but should be.

Here's an Amazon Link to the Maxpedition EDC Pouch and pictures of it loaded up:

Maxpedition E.D.C. Open

EDC Closed

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