Saturday, April 14, 2012

Backyard Anarchy

Are you sick of things in DC? Then grow a garden and shop at your local farmers market.

Raised bed gardening in my backyard.

I am constantly reminded that most people outside of the prepping community in our country today didn't grow up around gardening, canning, hunting, fishing, etc. So at times it's so hard for me to understand why people are so fearful of failing the first time they decide to try a garden.

Remember this, if this happens to be you. You come from hardy stock. You have a family history that goes back thousands of years. Your forefathers (and foremothers for that matter) lived on things they raised and things they harvested (which is the PC term for butchered). If they could learn enough, to survive on and pass down the DNA in your genes all without the ten million resources that you have at your finger tips via the internet.

I used to tell my players at the community college level that they lived in an amazing age. For a few thousand dollars today you can go to a community college and have access to 10 times more information that an 18 year old did in 1980 at Harvard. We take for granted how much the internet has leveled so many playing fields. The beauty of gardening is there are so many people willing to share with you their knowledge and lessons learned from decades of experience - Garden Crowd-Sourcing if you will.

Don't feel you need to go spend $500 dollars to put in your first garden. I'll show you in an upcoming post how simple it can be to put in your first garden. Don't be intimidated, remember Cavemen really could do it.! ;-)

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