Monday, August 8, 2016

Fall 2016 Thoughts

It's early August, and time to make my best guess at life after the fall election.

First, barring a serious 9/11 style terrorist attack on American soil, God forbid, Hillary walks to an election. Weakest Democratic nominee since Mondale, only to be paired with quite possibly the least likable Republican ever. Those are the breaks.

The R's lose the Senate, keep the House. Her first nominee ensures a hard left turn to the Court, especially gun rights. My advice? Buy lowers, at least 2 per family member. They're cheap right now, and unless something drastic changes, you'll still be able to buy additional parts after the election, though I do expect a full blown run on all ARs, AKs, etc as the election picture becomes clearer. If I'm wrong, you're out less than $500, if I'm right there's a good chance that selling one of those will net you more than $500 at some point in the near future.

Whoever inherits this economy is probably going to inherit an instant recession that's going to take years to get out of. I hope we're still years away from a real reset, a la the Soviet Union 1991, but who knows.

I saw a line on Twitter that stuck with me.

"You can't govern a country you've never visited." Flyover America, the folks who shop at Wal-Mart, who go to Church because they believe deeply, coal miners, stay at home moms, rough men who have known violence are every bit as foreign to DC as trying to govern Martians.

I think you're going to see more states going the route of Irish Democracy, as they have with marijuana. You may still see some folks get caught up in the Federal gears if they get too big for their britches, but black markets will continue to increase in direct correlation to the corruption in D.C.

I think you're going to see more pressure put on local law enforcement. Failing pension plans are going to make any officer who can make comparable money elsewhere leave if they don't see a pension in their future. You're going to see less federal dollars to supplement the drug war. More communities, not just black, think poor, see LEOs as tax collectors instead of keepers of the peace.

As with the President Obama, I don't think you'll see martial law, or FEMA camps, rather a continuation of the pursuit of Utopia with borrowed money. Everything will remain more or less copacetic until the EBT cards do run dry, then my friend Venezuela may very well be the best case scenario.

Stay frosty.

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