This week an old girlfriend, who's intelligence I respect greatly, had a link about the joys of "Free Contraception", and the benefits of requiring all employers to provide it, regardless of religious objections by any individual employers.
I like to think of myself as liberal thinker, in the classical sense of a personal liberty mindset, with serious Libertarian leanings, just so I'm upfront with where I'm coming from.
The problem with freedom is it's messy, and what you do with your freedom may not be what I consider moral, or smart, or safe, but as long as you don't pick my pocket or break my nose go crazy, but I digress.
We're facing serious problems. The $90 Trillion +/- we haven't funded for the baby boomers' Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Continued pressure on small to mid-sized businesses due to the uncertainty of the economy, increasing federal regulations from a myriad of different agencies with lessening Congressional input, and now the added costs associated with trying to comply with the ever shifting goal line that is the Affordable Health Care Act. Talk about headwinds.
From where I'm setting the destruction of the insurance industry, which I'm okay with, BTW as you should have a direct relationship with your provider, instead of a middleman that adds no value, but increases costs while decreasing efficiency. The consequence of weakening the health care industry will lead to increasing calls for Nationalizing of Health Care (it's for the kids afterall) which I see leading to a downward cylical trend in patient outcomes and increasing costs.
This is where that Facebook post comes in. The freedom to decide not to offer contraception is one side of a coin. The other side of that coin is Government can't tell you (or the employer) how or when to use it.
My worry moving forward is that while we're a ways away from the "Death Panels", it's not too much of a stretch to see us following Europe's socialized road map to the point where we end up deciding gramps has had a good run, but we just can't afford that open heart surgery.
The other side of that coin, when Government is running the show, is not free contraception or free birth control, but the mandatory use there of... You've had enough kids, hold still while we implant this "perfectly safe" IUD. You're not really good enough genetic stock to add to the public gene pool, we know better than you, we're professionals. Your politics aren't "pure" enough to qualify for procreation Comrade. All of these outcomes have already happened in varying degrees in other "One Payer" systems. Be they Soviet, Red Chinese, Cuban, Nazi, etc.
The problem of free is sometimes you want free, but when "For the Greater Good" is involved, i.e. mandated - it's for the children you know, it has too frequently led to Concentration Camps (think Reservations and Japanese Internment Camps here in America as well as the horrors of the Nazis), Gulags, and Re-Education Camps...
Speaking of the Chinese, as the old Chinese curse goes, "May you live in interesting times." These are indeed those....
I like to think of myself as liberal thinker, in the classical sense of a personal liberty mindset, with serious Libertarian leanings, just so I'm upfront with where I'm coming from.
The problem with freedom is it's messy, and what you do with your freedom may not be what I consider moral, or smart, or safe, but as long as you don't pick my pocket or break my nose go crazy, but I digress.
We're facing serious problems. The $90 Trillion +/- we haven't funded for the baby boomers' Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Continued pressure on small to mid-sized businesses due to the uncertainty of the economy, increasing federal regulations from a myriad of different agencies with lessening Congressional input, and now the added costs associated with trying to comply with the ever shifting goal line that is the Affordable Health Care Act. Talk about headwinds.
From where I'm setting the destruction of the insurance industry, which I'm okay with, BTW as you should have a direct relationship with your provider, instead of a middleman that adds no value, but increases costs while decreasing efficiency. The consequence of weakening the health care industry will lead to increasing calls for Nationalizing of Health Care (it's for the kids afterall) which I see leading to a downward cylical trend in patient outcomes and increasing costs.
This is where that Facebook post comes in. The freedom to decide not to offer contraception is one side of a coin. The other side of that coin is Government can't tell you (or the employer) how or when to use it.
My worry moving forward is that while we're a ways away from the "Death Panels", it's not too much of a stretch to see us following Europe's socialized road map to the point where we end up deciding gramps has had a good run, but we just can't afford that open heart surgery.
The other side of that coin, when Government is running the show, is not free contraception or free birth control, but the mandatory use there of... You've had enough kids, hold still while we implant this "perfectly safe" IUD. You're not really good enough genetic stock to add to the public gene pool, we know better than you, we're professionals. Your politics aren't "pure" enough to qualify for procreation Comrade. All of these outcomes have already happened in varying degrees in other "One Payer" systems. Be they Soviet, Red Chinese, Cuban, Nazi, etc.
The problem of free is sometimes you want free, but when "For the Greater Good" is involved, i.e. mandated - it's for the children you know, it has too frequently led to Concentration Camps (think Reservations and Japanese Internment Camps here in America as well as the horrors of the Nazis), Gulags, and Re-Education Camps...
Speaking of the Chinese, as the old Chinese curse goes, "May you live in interesting times." These are indeed those....
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